SOMINO, is the slow food for the comfort of human body, elevating the inherent beauty of the flavor.


Rest: Lounge 5 Days Program

For those who want to improve their heavy, exhausted body and the inner within from irregular eating habits and artificial foods, the nutrients are fermented in a form that is easy to absorb into the body, so you can fully consume the excellent nutrients from the grain.
This is SOMINO's healthy alternative for those who need a systematic diet for health reasons.


Habit: Daily 10 Days Program

For those who want to improve their heavy, exhausted body and the inner within from irregular eating habits and artificial foods, the nutrients are fermented in a form that is easy to absorb into the body, so you can fully consume the excellent nutrients from the grain.
This is SOMINO's healthy alternative for those who need a systematic diet for health reasons.

Somino's food exists to deliver benefits to people.

Learn more about our healthy balanced nutrient plan programs :


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